Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Global Soles

I just wanted to thank you all again for your participation in the shoe collection for Global Soles. It was awesome to see you all so eager to help! My dad is a volunteer leader for the high school ministry at his church and he organized the collection with his small group of students. Here is a message from my dad...

"Hey, thanks for all of your help with the Global Souls campaign. Yesterday we collected shoes in another neighborhood and the results were awesome. Together with all of the shoes you brought me we collected 591 pairs of shoes. That makes the total from the two colections 972 pairs of shoes!!!!

I also want to share this sweet story with you about our night out in the neighborhood. We were out going door to door talking to people about the effort and leaving bags and fliers with them. We were all done at about 8:50 and sitting in the back of one of the pickup trucks when two police cars came up rather quickly. They asked us what we were doing and I explained that we were from Saddleback Church and were gathering shoes to send to the needy over in Africa. They said they had gotten a call from one of the residents about a “suspicious group” who “claimed” to be from Saddleback. It was a perfect example for the students because we had just spent three weeks studying the spiritual battle between Satan and God and how each day Satan will try to win us over to his side or try to keep us from doing good and influencing others. The reason it was so cool is that the students all thought it was very funny that someone would call and that the police came and rousted us. They all went and told this story to friends and family so in reality Satan’s effort only called more attention to the good that was done."

Way to go girls!

Congratulations to another great group of women! There was much improvement this month. A special congrats goes out to...

Cyndi - for lowering her body fat percentage by 1.23%.

Kris - for improving her push-ups by 25!

Elvia - for improving her timed run by 1 minute and 22 seconds.

Misty - was a very close second place in the timed run improvement with 1 minute 21 seconds faster than her first time.